Early Childhood Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Requirements

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) program in Early Childhood Education provides advanced study for teachers working with children preschool through third grade. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible for the Class A Professional Early Childhood Education Certificate provided they already hold the Class B Professional Early Childhood Certificate.

Note: The appropriate course of study sheet and the assigned departmental advisor should be consulted in all program matters.


A student may elect to write a thesis as part of the program. If the student decides to write a thesis, a thesis committee will be appointed to work with the student and to evaluate the thesis. (IDE 510 and IDE 620 are required.)

The program for the M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education is as follows: 30 minimum hours required (500 level)

Curriculum and Teaching
EEC 553Org Patterns and Curr in ECE3
EEC 522Elementary School Curriculum3
EEC 523Instr Plan Elem School3
RED 531
EEC 532
Trends-Practices Tchg Reading
and Lit and Lang Dev in Elem Sch
Diversity Elective
SPE 500Nat-Needs of Exc Chld and Yth (required if introductory special education course not previously taken)3
or EDU 567 Multicultural Exp in Schools
Research and Evaluation 1
IDE 510Educ Research and Evaluation3
IDE 620Quantitative Methods I (see footnote table below) 23
EDM 510Microcomputing Systems in Ed3
Teaching Field
Advisor approved 500 level AED, EEC, RED courses6
Total Hours33



Students who have previously not completed an evaluation course will be required to complete an approved evaluation course in addition to IDE 510.


Thesis Option Only with IDE 510.

All certification programs require an introductory special education course SPE 500 required under B above, if not completed at the undergraduate level.