Mathematics Minor

Degree Requirements

If a minor is required in your degree program, at least 9 (lower and/or upper-division) hours of courses in the minor must be completed at the University.

Minor in Mathematics

MA 125Calculus I4
MA 126Calculus II4
Additional Courses
Select four of the following:10-13
Calculus III
Linear Algebra I
Differential Equations I
Discrete Math Structures
Intro to Number Theory
Linear Algebra II
Foundations of Math - W
Elementary Geometry
Differential Equations II
Comp Assist Math Modeling - W
Combinatorial Enumeration
Special Topics
History of Mathematics - W
Abstract Algebra I - W
Abstract Algebra II - W
Graph Theory
Numerical Analysis
Complex Variables
Financial Mathematics
Operations Research - W
Mathematical Logic
Advanced Calculus I
Advanced Calculus II
Special Topics
Directed Studies
Honors Senior Project - H
Applied Probability-Statistics
Total Hours18-21

At least two of the courses chosen for the minor must be 300 level or higher. 

Where to Begin in the Mathematics Courses?

Students must begin at the proper level and in the proper track in mathematics. Students who lack college level credit in mathematics should take the placement exam at least 48 hours prior to registering for a mathematics course. Students must register online to take the test. Times and days of the test as well as registration information are available at the department website.

Note 1: To Avoid Duplication:

  1. Credit for both MA 112 and MA 115 is not allowed.
  2. Credit for both MA 113 and MA 115 is not allowed.
  3. Credit for both MA 120 and MA 125 is not allowed.
  4. Students may receive credit for only one of the following: ST 310, ST 315 or ST 320.

Note 2: MA 110 is not a pre-requisite course for any other course required by mathematics and statistics major.