Biology (MS) - Thesis Concentration

Thesis Degree Requirements

  • Complete, with a minimum grade of "B", 30 hours of coursework at the 500 level. Students must complete at least 18 hours of formal coursework in BLY (excluding directed studies and thesis) listed courses. No course at the 400 level or below may be taken for graduate credit. A maximum of six credit hours may be granted for Directed Studies (BLY 594). All courses must be approved by the student's graduate advisory committee. The student's graduate committee, after consultation with the student, may require demonstration of additional proficiency in mathematics, computer skills, statistics, and/or require the student to take additional coursework.
  • Included in the 18 hours of formal coursework, students will complete the following core sequence:
BLY 510Prof in Science3
BLY 520Biometry4
BLY 544Molecular Biology3
BLY 585Evolutionary Biology3
BLY 592Seminar1
Remaining 4 hours can be chosen from other 500-level BLY courses
Total Hours18
  • Complete a thesis representing original research. A maximum of 9 hours credit will be granted for the thesis. Enrollment in BLY 599 (Thesis) is not permitted until the student's research prospectus has been approved by the advisory committee and Director of Graduate Studies, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Write a research prospectus during the first year of study and submit it to the advisory committee for approval.  Once the prospectus is approved, the student will schedule an oral defense.
  • Defense of the prospectus serves as the comprehensive qualifying exam and begins with a presentation of the prospectus and, where applicable, a progress report.  The examination will begin with the presentation and progress report, followed by questions from any area of study closely or broadly related to the area of specialization.  The exam committee will consist of the student's advisory committee members.
  • Each committee member will issue a grade for the student, following a rubric that considers various aspects of the presentation and oral examination, and has three possible scores for each category: 1 (insufficient), 2 (meets expectations), and 3 (above expectations). To pass the exam, a student must have an average score of 2 or above. Students are encouraged to review the rubric before the presentation, so they are aware of the committee's expectations. Students who fail will be allowed a second opportunity to pass the exam.
  • Publicly present an oral defense of the thesis.