Communication (MA) - Non-Thesis Concentration

Degree Requirements: Non-Thesis Option

The MA program non-thesis curriculum consists of 33 credit hours, including a 6-hour core (CA 500 and CA 502) and 27 hours of elective courses.

Degree Requirements and Courses

Core Requirements
CA 500Found Graduate Study Comm3
CA 502Communication Theory3
Select 27 hours of Electives from the following:27
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Persuasion in Professional Com
Theor Found in Interper Comm
Analysis of Comm in Orgs.
Communication Ethics
Media Effects
Corp. and Public Comm. Law
Social Media Management
Audience Dynamics
Historical Perspectives of SC
Reputation Management
Sp Top in Comm -
Seminar in Comm Theory
Dir St in Communication -
Professional Studies - Intern
Total Hours33
  • Directed Studies

CA 594

Directed study courses involve independent study of a communication topic. The purpose is to provide study in an area of specialization not covered by an existing course.

  • The student must submit a topic proposal to a graduate faculty member. Once the topic is approved, both the faculty member and the student must sign a contract describing student expectations and outcomes and grading criteria.
  • The student can register for between 1 and 3 credit hours in CA 594 courses with course requirements determined accordingly.
  • The student may take a maximum of 3 hours in directed study coursework.

Grade Requirements

  • A minimum of a 3.0 GPA on all work attempted is required for graduation.
  • Courses in which a student receives a "D" or below will not be counted toward the degree program.
  • A maximum of 2 courses with a grade of "C" will be counted toward the degree program.
  • Students receiving 3 grades of "C" or below, regardless of the overall GPA, will be dismissed from the program.
  • A student who receives a failing grade in a course for graduate credit may be dismissed from the program.

Time Limitations

  • All degree requirements must be completed within 7 calendar years.
  • Most students who take 9 hours per semester complete the degree within a 2-year period.
  • The time required for degree completion depends on how many courses a student can take each semester.

Course Load

  • Two or three courses (6-9 credit hours) per semester constitute a full-time course load.