Environmental Toxicology (MS)

Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology

The Master of Science degree in Environmental Toxicology (thesis) is awarded in recognition of a student’s demonstrated ability to successfully complete a prescribed program of courses and original scholarly research. Original scholarly research will be evaluated based on a student’s ability to write and defend an acceptable research thesis.

An alternative professional track, which is a non-thesis option, for the Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology is also available that emphasizes professional development. This degree program requires completion of prescribed coursework and either a professional traineeship or capstone project.

Degree Requirements

Required Credit

A minimum of thirty (30) semester hours of course credit beyond the baccalaureate degree is required for students pursuing this MS degree.

Residence, Full-Time Study, and Continuous Registration

A minimum of two consecutive semesters of fulltime study in residence is required. The residency requirements may be met at the University of South Alabama, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, or the Mitchell Cancer Institute.

Time Limit

All requirements for the MS degree must be completed within (2) years from the date of matriculation. A student who has not satisfactorily completed a MS degree in a (3) three year period must apply for a defined extension to complete the degree. This request must be recommended by a major professor, the program coordinator, the Director of Graduate studies, and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. If the student does not complete the degree requirements in the defined extension period, the Director of Graduate studies may recommend, and the Dean of the Graduate School may take, whatever action is necessary up to and including dismissal.

Failure to complete the work in the periods specified shall necessitate reevaluation of the student’s program, and may result in a recommendation of dismissal by the Director of Graduate studies to the graduate Dean.

For the thesis option, students will be required to take twelve (12) semester hours of core classes including Environmental Chemistry (CH 514 and CH 514L); Environmental Toxicology (EXT 515); and Environmental Statistics (ST 550) plus a Research Integrity Seminar (GIS 501). Additional coursework will be determined by the student’s advisory committee and approved by the Environmental Toxicology program coordinator. Elective courses should be selected from the recommended list of electives where possible (see below) to make up an additional six (6) semester hours of credit towards the degree. Directed studies conducted under the supervision of a student’s advisor or an advisory committee member should comprise up to six (6) semester hours of credit. Lastly, students will be expected to demonstrate research capability, preferably through the completion of an acceptable written thesis and oral defense of the research. At least six (6) semester hours should be included in the MS degree program of study to meet this thesis requirement.

For the non-thesis option, students will be required to take eighteen (18) semester hours of core classes including Environmental Chemistry (CH 514 and CH 514L); Environmental Toxicology (EXT 515); and Environmental Statistics (ST 550), Dynamics of Socio-Environmental Systems (ENS 601), and Intro to GIT (GIT 560). Additional coursework will be determined based on professional goals and approved by the Environmental Toxicology program coordinator. Elective courses should be selected from the recommended list of electives where possible (see below) to make up an additional six (6) semester hours of credit towards the degree. Directed studies conducted under the graduate coordinator should comprise up to six (6) semester hours of credit to allow completion of an internship or capstone project.

Course Requirements (Thesis)

The student and their advisory committee (where applicable) will be responsible for designing the curriculum that best fits the student's professional goals. If, in the opinion of the student's committee or graduate coordinator, the student lacks adequate undergraduate preparation, the student will be required to make up such deficiencies.

Core Courses
EXT 515Environmental Toxicology4
CH 514
Environmental Chemistry
and Environmental Chemistry Lab
ST 550Environmental Statistics3
GIS 501Responsible Conduct of Researc1
Directed Studies (maximum)6
Thesis hours (maximum)6
Thesis hours are taken to conduct research on a subject identified jointly by the student and the Advisory Committee.
Select at least six hours of graduate courses, for example
Dynamics of Socio-Environmental Systems
Intro to GIT
Fundamentals Environmental Eng
Environmental Sociology
Marine Ecosystem Modelling
ENS 520
Molecular-Cellular Toxicology
Biological Wastewater Treatmnt
Hydrodynamic Modeling
Environmental GIS
Chemical Ecology
Marine Restoration Ecology
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II
Molecular Biology
Physical Oceanography
Total Hours30

Course Requirements (Non-Thesis)

Core Courses
EXT 515Environmental Toxicology4
CH 514
Environmental Chemistry
and Environmental Chemistry Lab
ST 550Environmental Statistics3
ENS 601Dynamics of Socio-Environmental Systems3
GIT 560Intro to GIT4
Directed Studies (maximum)6
Directed studies will be taken during the internship or capstone project.
Select at least six hours of graduate courses, for example
Physical Oceanography
Marine Ecosystem Modelling
ENS 520
Biological Wastewater Treatmnt
Environmental GIS
Chemical Ecology
Marine Restoration Ecology
Fundamentals Environmental Eng
Environmental Sociology
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II
Molecular Biology
Molecular-Cellular Toxicology
Total Hours30

For the professional track (non-thesis option), a key element of the program is of the program is participation in a professional internship or the completion of a capstone project. Students will do either an internship or capstone, but not both. The requirements for these options are below.

  1. To fulfill the requirements of the program by performing an internship, a student must perform an internship of approximately 6-month duration working 20 hours a week (approximately 480 hours of internship) in the field of environmental sciences. The internship shall result in a written report and a formal presentation at the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences in affiliation with interdisciplinary partners, faculty, and students.
  2. In some cases, students may opt for a capstone project in lieu of the internship. A capstone project provides an opportunity to go more in depth on a topic to address the complex problems facing the environment. With the help of a faculty mentor and the program coordinator, a student pursuing the capstone project will complete a project to address an issue in the environmental sciences. The capstone project shall result in a written report and a formal presentation at the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences in affiliation with interdisciplinary partners, faculty, and students.