Degree Requirements

Minor in Sustainability

The minor curriculum is designed to appeal to students across South’s campus. Through coursework across the three pillars of sustainability - Social, Economics, Environment - students will develop proficiencies in sustainability and develop systems thinking skills in preparation for a wide variety of sustainability careers in government, non-profits, and the private sector. The Sustainability minor is designed following the principles of the Ponderosa model, which focuses on exposing students to a diverse set of sustainability proficiencies, and initially includes courses from over 12 academic programs across campus.

Requirements for a Minor in Sustainability include a minimum of 18 hours in Sustainability related classes. The student must take ENV 100 Gulf Environment and Society Seminar and ENV 101 Environment and Society. In addition to these core requirements, students must take 14 hours of elective courses that include at least 1 course primarily focused on each pillar of sustainability: Social (Soc), Economic (Econ), and Environmental (ENV). Other electives may be substituted pending approval by Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences (SSoMES).

If a minor is required in your degree program, at least 9 (lower and/or upper-division) hours of courses in the minor must be completed at the University.

Required Courses
ENV 100Gulf Coast Sustainability Seminar1
ENV 101Environment & Society3
Choose at least one elective course from the following three groups:
Social pillar of sustainability:
Environmental Microbiology
Urban Geography & Planning
Cultural Resource Management
Environmental Sociology
Disasters and Society
Global Health-W
Intern. Devel & Global Ed
Amer Environmental Hy-W
Anthropology of Food
Economic pillar of sustainability:
Sustainable and Eco-Tourism
Global Tourism
Mgmt & Sustainability of C.I.
Renewable Energy
Environmental Economics
Environmental pillar of sustainability:
Natural Hazards and Disasters
Environmental Geography
People, Places, Environment
Conservation Biology
Enviro Conserv/Sustainabilit-W
Climate Change - W
Enviro Monitoring & Assessment
Natural Resource Management
Intro Environmental Sci
Special Topics
Remaining elective hours should be selected from any course in the above three groups not already taken.
Total Hours18