Special Education (SPE) (SPE)
SPE 200 Field Exp in SPE Settings 1 cr
A series of in-field opportunities for students in Special Education. A variety of appropriate placements will be employed depending on each student's interest and needs. May be repeated for credit.
SPE 201 Field Exp in Sp Ed Setting 1 cr
A series of in-field opportunities in special education. A variety of appropriate placements will be employed depending on each student's interests and needs. To be taken with SPE 312.
SPE 202 Field Exp in Sp Ed Setting 1 cr
A series of in-field opportunities in special education. A variety of appropriate placements will be employed depending on each student's interests and needs. To be taken with SPE 410.
Corequisite: SPE 410
SPE 203 Field Exp in Sp Ed Setting 1 cr
A series of in-field opportunities in special education. A variety of appropriate placements will be employed depending on each student's interests and needs. To be taken with SPE 410.
Corequisite: SPE 410
SPE 205 Init Field Exp in SPE Setting 1 cr
An in-field opportunity for early field-based practicum in a variety of placements. To be taken with SPE 400 by Special Education majors.
SPE 311 Intro to Partnerships in SPE 3 cr
Empasis is on the special problems found in the home, community, and school of the exceptional child, the teacher, the family, and community resource agencies. Ways for the teacher to form teamships to work collaboratively with all human resources involved in the child's life are explored and ethical and moral standards examined.
SPE 312 Intellect and Phys Disabs 3 cr
A study of the intellectual and physical disability which usually require substantial curriculum adaptations or ecological accommodation. Historical perspectives, etiology, definitions, classification, treatment, social aspects and interdisciplinary team work will be explored.
Corequisite: SPE 201
SPE 313 Lrng and Behavrl Disorders 3 cr
An examination of the definitions, characteristics, and prevalence of children with learning and/or behavioral disabilities. Emphasis is placed on the causes of problems in motor, perceptual, social, academic, affective, and behavioral development. Students will be introduced to current service delivery models and the programming options for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.
SPE 320 Special Education Law 3 cr
This course provides an overview of the legislative history within the United States related to persons with various disabilities. Emphasis will be added to the role of the educator in the specific responsibilities and liabilities required to develop appropriate educational programs for students with disabilities. The course will highlight the collaborative nature required for education professionals and parents to facilitate a student's academic and social development.
SPE 342 Dev-Tchg Ecological Curriculum 3 cr
An ecological systems view which emphasizes curricular design as a multisystem interaction involving the individual, family, school, occupational setting, and society.
SPE 362 Behav Mgt of Except Child - W 3 cr
Presentation of the principles and applications of behavioral modification, data collection procedures, and single-subject research designs as related to exceptional children and youth in special education environments.
SPE 363 Tch Adpt Curr Spec Nds Lrnr 3 cr
An examination of regular and special education K-12 curricula, materials, and procedures. Specific emphasis will be placed on the selection modification, and adaptation of curricula, materials, and procedures to meet the needs of individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.
SPE 373 Teaching Reading to Stu Dis 3 cr
Introduces the student to the curriculum, teaching the methodologies and instructional activities and materials associated with effective and appropriate developmental and functional reading instruction for students with disabilities.
SPE 400 Edu for Except Child and Youth 3 cr
Introduction to the field of exceptional children and youth, involving the study of various areas of exceptionality.
SPE 410 Formal-Informal Assessment 3 cr
Assesses developmental levels, academic, and non-academic performance of exceptional individuals through the administration and interpretation of criterion-referenced, formal and informal measures. Evaluation of classroom teaching and special education programs is also emphasized.
SPE 432 Impact Typ and Atyp Dev on Edu 3 cr
An examination of typical child development and developmental characteristics of infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities from the prenatal period through age 8. Characteristics of disabling conditions and their impact upon development are also discussed.
SPE 433 Iss in Edu Young Child W-Dis 3 cr
This course prepares students to work with infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities and their families. Topics covered include specific teaching and intervention techniques, special education laws and regulations, and service delivery models.
SPE 443 Voc Ed-Career Dev Dis Indiv 3 cr
Issues and practices involved in the vocational preparation and training of students with disabilities, including career awareness, exploration, preparation, and use of vocational resources. Vocationally related programs and services, both within and outside the special education environment are included.
SPE 444 Senior Seminar - W 3 cr
Topics based upon students' experiences in internship. Students develop personal growth plans to enhance professional functioning.
SPE 454 Curric Meth Develop Young 3 cr
Curriculum and methods of instruction for individuals who function in the lower levels of cognitive, motor, self care, communicative, and/or social behaviors. Emphasis is on physical management, class/individual scheduling, adapted aids and equipment, task analysis, and functional life skills.
SPE 484 General Education Curriculum 3 cr
A Curriculum course designed to emphasize general education and special education K-12 curriculum. Students learn content of general education curricula through study of scope and sequence charts and strategies for adapting the curricula for students with exceptionalities, especially in inclusionary settings.
SPE 489 Pre-Practicum 3 cr
Supervised experience in the teaching field which allows the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively.
SPE 490 Sp Top - 3 cr
Varies in content and deals with issues, trends, and topics of current interest in the field of educating exceptional individuals. May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
SPE 494 Dir St - 3 cr
Directed Study. No more than two directed studies may be applied to programs at the undergraduate level or for certification.
SPE 495 Internship K-6 9 cr
Observation and supervised K-6 classroom teaching experience providing the opportunity to synthesize all previous instruction. This culminating activity provides opportunity for study and discussion of problems and issues encountered in the practicum situation.
SPE 496 Internship 6-12 9 cr
Observation and supervised 6-12 classroom teaching experiences providing the opportunity to synthesize all previous instruction. This culminating activity provides opportunity for study and discussion of problems and issues encountered in the practicum situation.
SPE 497 Internship ECSE 9 cr
Observation and supervised ECSE classroom teaching experiences providing the opportunity to synthesize all previous instruction. This culminating activity provides opportunity for study and discussion of problems and issues encountered in the practicum situation.
SPE 499 Senior Honors Project-H 3-6 cr
Under the advice and guidance of a faculty mentor, honors students will identify and carry out a research project, relevant to the field of study in Special Education, that will lead to a formal presentation at the annual Honors Student Colloquium. The senior project will be judged and graded by three faculty chaired by the honors mentor. This course is required for Honors recognition and may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite: Participate in honors program and junior level status.
SPE 500 Nat-Needs of Exc Chld and Yth 3 cr
Introduction to the field of special education involving the study of all exceptionality areas. Developmental and maturational sequences of exceptional children/youth are included.
SPE 504 Seminar in Spec Educ 3 cr
Designed to allow students an in-depth exploration of topics of special concern to them related to children with disabilities or high potential.
SPE 505 Admn and Supv of SPE 3 cr
Establishing, maintaining, supervising, and evaluating special education programs in school districts and systems. Legislation and litigation, budgeting and finance, trends and issues in special education are included.
SPE 510 Intro to Lrng Char Tchg in SPE 3 cr
An examination of the definitions, characteristics, and prevalence of children with learning disabilities, emotional and/or behavioral disabilities, mental retardation and multiple disabilities. Emphasis is placed on the environmental and biological causes of problems in motor, perceptual, social academic, affective, and behavioral development. Students will be introduced to current service delivery models and the programming for individuals with disabilities.
SPE 511 Curr - Reg Class and Adapt 3 cr
Examination of all curricula as represented by various state course of study documents. Students will study and develop relevant adaptations of curricula to meet needs of various exceptional children.
SPE 512 Ecological Curr and Method 3 cr
From an ecological systems view, methods of individually deriving a functional, life-centered curriculum for students with mild to severe disabilities as well as educational strategies for teaching and training within such a framework.
SPE 514 Teaming and Collaboration 3 cr
An intensive study of the nature of teaming and collaborative practices with an emphasis on developing skills to organize and participate in a variety of such situations.
SPE 515 Data and Behav Mgmt 3 cr
Behavioral assessment techniques and experimental designs for the evaluation of behavior change programs. Operant and respondent methods for deceleration of inappropriate behavior. Operant methods for accelerating appropriate behaviors, teaching new behaviors and maintaining behaviors. Data-Based decision making strategies for formative program evaluation and modifications.
SPE 516 Methods Spec Needs Learners 3 cr
An examination of the methodologies employed in teaching special needs learners. The course covers the theoretical underpinnings and practical application of techniques with media, and materials.
SPE 517 Com Lang Read Stu Disability 3 cr
Major topics include the nature of language, language development and language problems in exceptional students; and remedial procedures. Informal and formal language and reading assessment. Relationship of reading to writing, phonetic, sight and combination means of reading instruction.
SPE 518 Assessment 3 cr
Advanced assessment of developmental levels, academic and non-academic performance of exceptional individuals through the administration and interpretation of standardized tests, criterion-referenced instruments, and informal measures.
SPE 521 Children W-High Potential 3 cr
Study of the intellectual, creative, emotional, and other psychological facets of gifted and talented children. Attention will be paid both to those individuals whose potential is realized and those who are considered underachievers.
SPE 522 Creative and Prod Thinking 3 cr
Geared to understanding the creative process, personality, and product of gifted and talented children as well as how to foster creativity and productive thought in the classroom.
SPE 523 Tchg Children W-High Potential 3 cr
Various curricular emphases and program approaches employed for gifted, creative, and talented children are studied. Insights are offered into articulating educational efforts.
SPE 524 Atyp Children W-High Potential 3 cr
This course is an in-depth study of the unique needs of atypical populations of gifted students. Attention will be directed to the culturally diverse gifted, economically disadvantaged gifted, underachieving gifted, gifted in rural areas, gifted females, highly/profound gifted, gifted handicapped, gifted with ADD/ADHD/SLD, and gifted preschoolers.
SPE 532 Impact of Typical Atypical Dev 3 cr
An examination of typical child development and developmental characteristics of infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities from the prenatal period through age eight. Characteristics of disabling conditions and their impact upon development are also discussed.
SPE 533 Issue Edu Young Child Disabil 3 cr
This course prepares students to work with infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities and their families. Topics covered include specific teaching and intervention techniques, special education laws and regulations, and service delivery models.
SPE 534 Assessment Devel Young 3 cr
This course contains information on basic psychometric qualities of screening, evaluations, and assessments, tools for use with infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities, conducting family assessments, adapting measures for children with disabilities and using screening assessment, and evaluation in individualized programming.
SPE 535 Collaborating with Families 3 cr
This course prepares students to work with families of children with special needs. It contains information on understanding families, working with traditional and non- traditional families, and providing family-centered services.
SPE 588 Advanced Practicum Experience 3 cr
The purpose of this course is to provide a field experience focusing on evaluation and program improvement n academic and behavioral assessment, program planning, and experiences in implementation of special education programming.
SPE 589 Pre-Practicum Experience 3,6 cr
Supervised experience in the teaching field which allows the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively.
SPE 590 Sp Top - 3 cr
A course with varying content dealing with issues, trends, and topics of current interest in the field of education exceptional individuals. May be repeated for credit when course content varies. Composition of activity. Total credit cannot exceed 6 hours.
SPE 591 Multicategory Prac Seminar 3 cr
Combines field experiences and technology-based simulations and learning experiences with an ongoing seminar to address a wide-range of disabilities and educational implications. Course content will be individualized according to the students educational and professional background.
SPE 592 Collaborative Pract-Seminar 3 cr
A seminar which enables students to discuss controversial issues related to the role and function of the collaborative teacher. Students lead and respond to discussion on topics which include teaming, inclusion, and collaboration.
SPE 593 Classroom Exp Prac - 3 cr
Supervised experience in the teaching field which allow the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively.
SPE 594 Dir St - Research 3 cr
Students explore through directed individual study and research, problems and issue of special interest or significance in Special Education.
SPE 595 Intern/Prac SPE Coll Tch K-6 3,6 cr
Supervised experiences in Collaborative Teaching K-6 in the teaching field which allow the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively.
Prerequisite: SPE 500 Minimum Grade of B and SPE 514 Minimum Grade of B and SPE 512 Minimum Grade of B and SPE 516 Minimum Grade of B and SPE 515 Minimum Grade of B and SPE 591 Minimum Grade of B and (5003 157 or 5903 157) and (5004 154 or 5904 154) and (5005 158 or 5905 158) and 5205 159 or 190 233
SPE 596 Intern/Prac SPE Coll Tch 6-12 3,6 cr
Supervised experiences in Collaborative Teaching 6-12 in the teaching field which allow the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively.
SPE 597 Intern/Prac SPE ECSE 3 cr
Supervised experiences in Collaborative Teaching ECSE in the teaching field which allow the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively
Prerequisite: P014 137
SPE 598 Intern/Prac SPE G/T 3 cr
Supervised experiences in Collaborative Teaching Gifted/Talented in the teaching field which allows the teacher's performance to be evaluated qualitatively.
SPE 599 Thesis 3 cr
A student selects a project, study, or investigation in Special Education related to the student's area of specialization. The project forms a basis for the thesis. A thesis committee will give guidance during the investigation and during the writing of the thesis.
SPE 601 Advanced Eval in SPE 3 cr
Methods and procedures for developing criterion-referenced instruments and assessment batteries for classroom use in evaluating exceptional children and youth.
SPE 609 Adv Study of Excep Children 3 cr
Comparison of the normal development progress and that usually seen in the various exceptionality categories of special education especially cognitive, communication, motor, social and emotional development.
SPE 641 Seminar Behav Disorders 3 cr
Advanced study and review of the state of present knowledge in areas relevant to the psycho-pathological disorders of childhood including etiology, assessment, treatment and education.
SPE 642 Clinical Teaching I 3 cr
A study of the principles of behavioral theory upon which strategies for change in cognitive and social behavior rest and the evaluative designs used to monitor behavioral change and validate strategies.
Prerequisite: SPE 515 Minimum Grade of B
SPE 643 Clinical Teaching II 3 cr
A study and review of clinical research relevant to the curriculum requirements in the education and treatment of exceptional children and the identification of research needs in the various areas of exceptionality.
SPE 651 Seminar in LD 3 cr
Current trends and issues in the education of learning disabled individuals are discussed, various theoretical approaches and current empirical evidence provide the basis for discussion.
SPE 671 Seminar in ID Educ 3 cr
Current trends and issues in the education of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Class and recent professional literature are the basis for developing perspectives.
SPE 690 Sp Top - 3 cr
A course with varying content dealing with issues, trends, and topics of current interest in the field of education exceptional individuals. May be repeated for credit when course content varies.
SPE 694 Dir St - Research 3 cr
Students explore through directed study problems and issues of special interest or significance in Special Education.
SPE 699 Research Project 1-3 cr
The Research Project, as the culminating experience in the Specialist Program, provides an opportunity for the candidate to synthesize and apply the various program components in a selected instructional setting. Suitable agreements are reached with the appropriate public school system by the candidate. MR majors may not take more than 8 hours.