English (EH) (EH)
EH 101 English Composition I 3 cr
Prepares students for diverse types of college writing. Covers the writing process, general criteria used to evaluate writing, collaborative writing, and rhetoric, especially audience analysis. Some sections require an ACT Reading score of 19 or higher or an SAT Critical Reading score of 26 of higher. Grading is "A", "B", "C", and "U". Core Course.
Prerequisite: A01 19 or S13 26 or S01 450 or (ESL 015 Minimum Grade of C or T03R 5.5 or T04R 20) and (T04W 20 or T03W 5.5 or ESL 016 Minimum Grade of C)
EH 102 English Composition II 3 cr
Prerequisite: A01 27 or S01 610 or S13 33 or EH 101 Minimum Grade of C or EH 010 Minimum Grade of S or USEH P
Cross-Listed: EH 105
EH 105 Honors Composition - H 3 cr
This course emphasizes the types of writing that students will do in college and reflects goals of the Honors Program with advanced work in critical thinking and research. Prerequisite: students must have been accepted in the Honors Program.
Prerequisite: A01 27 or S01 610 or S13 33 or EH 101 Minimum Grade of C or EH 110 Minimum Grade of D or EH 190 Minimum Grade of D or EH 010 Minimum Grade of S or USEH P
Cross-Listed: EH 102
EH 200 Intro to Creative Writing 3 cr
This course will introduce students to writing creatively in four major genres: poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and drama. Fundamentals of craft to be studied will include plot and character in fiction; sound and image in poetry; dialogue in drama; and form and research in creative nonfiction. Analysis of literary models, critiques of students' work, and craft discussions will aid students in creating a final portfolio.
EH 203 Literary Genres - 3 cr
EH 204 Literary Themes - 3 cr
EH 207 Literature and Gender 3 cr
A variable-topics course to study gender issues in literary texts. Can only be taken for a maximum of 3 credits.
EH 215 Brit Lit before 1785 3 cr
This course introduces students to the cultural heritage of the British Isles by studying representatives literary works from the Middle Ages through the 18th Century.
EH 216 Brit Lit after 1785 3 cr
This course introduces the student to the cultural heritage of the British Isles by studying representatives literary works from the 19th Century to the present.
EH 225 Am Lit before 1865 3 cr
This course traces the development of American literature from its beginning through 1865 by studying the works of representative writers. Core course.
EH 226 Am Lit after 1865 3 cr
This course traces the development of American literature from 1865 to the present by studying the works of representative writers. Core Course.
EH 235 World Lit before 1650 3 cr
A survey of literature from the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, featuring selections in translation. Core Course.
EH 236 World Lit after 1650 3 cr
A survey of literature from Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Nineteenth-century Realism and Naturalism, and the Modern World, featuring selections in translation. Core course.
EH 242 Black Writers in America 3 cr
A survey of literature by major African-American authors from the days of slavery to the present. Readings will include fiction, poetry, drama, autobiography, and polemical prose.
Cross-Listed: EH 357
EH 288 Academic Writing - W 3 cr
Practice in the writing necessary in various academic disciplines.
EH 290 Sp Top 3 cr
A variable-content course treating selected topics in literature and language. May be repeated once for a total of 6 credits when topic varies.
EH 300 Intro to Literary Study 3 cr
This course offers an introduction to the study of literature with special emphasis on critical writing. Required for 400-level literature classes.
EH 301 Poetry Crit Reading-Analysis 3 cr
Introduction to close reading and interpretation of poetry, including written explications and analysis.
EH 302 Drama Crit Reading-Analysis 3 cr
EH 303 Fiction Critical Rdng Analysis 3 cr
Introduction to close reading and interpretation of fiction, including written analysis.
EH 310 Classical Mythology 3 cr
Through the disciplines of English and Philosophy, this course will provide an introduction to myths and to the literature that recounts the myths, legends, and folktales of ancient Greece and Rome. Not only will this course offer a survey of Greek and Roman myth, but it will also look at how different writers treat the material and why their treatments vary. Cross-listed with PHL 310 and REL 310. Credit cannot be received for both EH 310 and either PHL 310 or REL 310.
EH 314 Medieval Literature 3 cr
This course will introduce students to major texts of medieval literature, including narrative poetry, drama, prose, and lyric poetry.
EH 315 Chaucer 3 cr
This course will introduce students to Chaucer's major works in the original language; no prior knowledge of Middle English is required.
EH 320 Shakespeare's Plays 3 cr
Study of Shakespeare's plays from across all the kinds he wrote: tragedies, histories, comedies, and romances.
EH 321 Renaissance Literature 3 cr
Non-dramatic literature of the English Renaissance through 1600.
EH 324 17th Century Literature 3 cr
Non-dramatic literature 1600-1660.
EH 331 American Novel to 1900 3 cr
American novel from its beginning to 1900.
EH 332 American Nonfiction Prose 3 cr
Major American nonfiction prose.
EH 334 American Poetry to 1900 3 cr
American poetry from its beginning to 1900.
EH 335 Native American Literature 3 cr
Survey of Native American Literature from the 18th century to the present.
EH 340 Restoration Early 18th Lit 3 cr
Literature of the period, including such authors as Behn, Dryden, Finch, Defoe, Pope, Montagu, Swift, and Fielding.
EH 342 Later 18th Century Lit - W 3 cr
Literature of the period, including such authors as Gray, Boswell, Johnson, Sheridan, Radcliffe, Wollstonecraft, Blake, and Austen.
EH 343 18th Century British Novel 3 cr
Eighteenth-Century British novel.
EH 351 British Romanticism 3 cr
The poetry and prose of Romantic-era writers, including Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats and Shelley.
EH 352 Victorian Poetry 3 cr
A study of poetry of the Victorian period.
EH 353 Victorian Prose 3 cr
A study of prose, emphasizing nonfiction, of the Victorian period.
EH 354 19th Century British Novel 3 cr
Novels of the Romantic and Victorian periods.
EH 357 Black Writers in America 3 cr
A survey of literature by African-American authors from the early colonial period to the present. Readings will include fiction, poetry, drama, autobiography, and polemical prose.
EH 360 Anglo-Am Poetry since 1900 3 cr
A study of Anglo-American poets such as D.H. Lawrence, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Robert Graves, W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Derek Walcott, Paul Muldoon, Eavan Boland, Seamus Heaney, Galway Kinnel, Adrienne Rich, Robert Penn Warren, John Crowe Ransom, Margaret Walker, Elizabeth Bishop, Gwendolyn Brooks, Gary Synder, Charles Olson, Allen Ginsberg, Anne Sexton, and Sylvia Plath.
EH 361 American Novel since 1900 3 cr
EH 362 Am. Novel from 1900 to 1945 3 cr
A study of the American novel from 1900 to 1945.
EH 363 American Novel since 1945 3 cr
A study of the American novel since 1945.
EH 364 Brit. Novel from 1900 to 1945 3 cr
A study of the British novel from 1900 to 1945.
EH 365 British Novel since 1945 3 cr
A study of the British novel since 1945.
EH 366 Contemporary Fiction 3 cr
An introduction to literary fiction of the contemporary era.
EH 367 British Novel since 1900 3 cr
EH 369 Modern Short Story 3 cr
Representative modern short story writers.
EH 370 History of English Language 3 cr
A study of the development from Old English through Middle English to Modern English.
EH 371 Approaches to Eng Grammar - W 3 cr
A course designed primarily to help education majors translate between the languages of conventional grammar and the syntactical grammar relevant to the teaching of English at pre-college levels. Consideration will also be given to the rationales basic to the formation of different grammars and to methods of presenting grammatical material in a classroom situation. Non-education majors interested in a sophisticated approach to the study of grammar might also benefit from this course.
Cross-Listed: ARG 371
EH 372 Technical Writing - W 3 cr
The purpose of this course is to train students in the kinds of written reports required of practicing professionals, aiming to improve mastery of the whole process of report writing from conceptual stage through editing stage.
EH 373 Writing in Professions - W 3 cr
Practice in the kinds of writing done in such professions as speech pathology and audiology, nursing, teaching, criminal justice, and business. Assignments, which emphasize persuasive writing, may include position papers, correspondence, and reports.
EH 379 Horror 3 cr
A study of the history and themes of horror from the early 19th century to the present, including representative texts, films, and scholarship.
EH 380 Science Fiction 3 cr
Study of the history and themes of science fiction literature and film from the end of the nineteenth century to the present.
EH 390 Sp Top - 3 cr
A variable-content course addressing selected topics in literature and writing. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits when course content varies.
EH 391 Fiction Writing 3 cr
Intensive practice in the short story with contemporary readings. Constructive, critical discussions are conducted on each composition. Emphasis is on the creation of compelling short fiction.
EH 393 Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 cr
Intensive study of and practice in writing creative nonfiction - nonfiction that stresses personal voice and the use of literary elements. Concentrates on genres of creative nonfiction (personal or narrative essay, travel and nature writing, cultural criticism, memoir) with an emphasis on producing high-quality writing.
EH 395 Poetry Writing 3 cr
Intensive study in different modes and forms in contemporary poetry such as fixed, open, and spoken word. Readings in contemporary poetry will serve as models for students' creation of new poems. Workshops a primary component of the class.
EH 401 Teaching Composition-W 3 cr
Study of theories of composition and their applications for teaching writing at the secondary school level.
EH 402 Rhetoric-Ancient and Modern-W 3 cr
Readings in rhetorical theory, ancient and modern, are applied in specific writing assignments which encourage students to adopt a point of view and address a specific audience.
EH 404 Grant Proposal Writing 3 cr
Extensive preparation in the discourse and generic conventions of grant proposals written b practicing professionals, aiming to promote mastery of the whole process of grant writing from conceptual stage through editing stage.
EH 405 Editing and Document Design 3 cr
Covers general editing principles, levels and types of editing, and technical editing terms, along with theories and aesthetic principles of document design and production. The course offers extensive, hand-on experience in both areas.
EH 461 Tudor and Stuart Drama 3 cr
A historical and generic study of plays by authors including Kyd, Marlowe, Dekker, Jonson, Middleton, Beaumont, Fletcher, and Webster.
EH 462 Restor-18th Century Drama - W 3 cr
A historical and generic study of plays by authors such as Wycherley, Etheridge, Behn, Dryden, Otway, Congreve, Steele, Goldsmith, and Sheridan.
EH 463 Drama 1890 to Present 3 cr
Twentieth-century British, American, and Continental drama, with major emphasis on the plays of Ibsen, Chekhov, Shaw, Pirandello, O'Neill, and Beckett.
EH 465 Middle English Literature 3 cr
Major romances and dream-visions of the late Middle Ages such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Troilus and Criseyde, Sire Orfeo, Pearl, and Parliament of Birds.
EH 467 Milton 3 cr
Milton's major poems, with emphasis on Paradise Lost.
EH 468 Contemporary Black Fiction 3 cr
A close reading of selected fiction published since World War II by such authors as James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Ernest J. Gaines, Gloria Naylor, and Julius Lester.
EH 470 Medieval Lit 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from medieval literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 471 Renaissance Lit 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from Renaissance literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 472 Shakespeare 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics on Shakespeare. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 474 Restoration Lit 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics in Restoration and 18th Century literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 475 19th Century Lit 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from 19th Century literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 476 Studies in 20th Century Lit 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from 20th-Century literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours.
EH 477 Genre 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from various genres. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 478 Film 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from film studies. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 479 Mod/Postmodern Poetry 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from modern/postmodern poetry. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 480 Gender and Lit 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics dealing with gender and literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 481 Comp and Rhetoric - W 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics concerned with writing, rhetoric, or language studies. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
Cross-Listed: ARG 481
EH 482 Am Literature 3 cr
A variable content course in specific topics from American literature. May be repeated once for credit when course content varies for up to six credit hours. Junior standing.
EH 483 Advanced Fiction Writing 3 cr
Innovative study in various forms of friction for students with experience in the techniques of friction writing. Discussion include cultural and critical context as well as foundational models.
EH 485 Advanced Poetry Writing 3 cr
Advanced poetry writing course that explores different styles of contemporary American poetry such as political poetry, eco-poetry, ekphrastic poetry and more. Students will create at least ten new poems and submit them for workshop.
EH 487 Screenwriting for Film 3 cr
Craft talks and guided workshops on how to create a feature-length screenplay.
EH 488 Screenwriting for Television-W 3 cr
Craft talks and guided workshops on how to create a television series and write the pilot episode.
Cross-Listed: CA 488
EH 489 Folklore and Ways of Listening 3 cr
This course focuses on the collection of folklore and expressive culture, providing a contemporary glimpse at collective memory. Students learn ethnographic fieldwork methods, oral history interviewing techniques, transcription, and the evaluation of oral evidence.
EH 490 Special Topics 1-3 cr
Selected topics in writing in literary studies. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits when course content varies.
EH 491 Special Topics in Creative Writing 3 cr
Selected topics in creative writing. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits when course content varies.
Prerequisite: (EH 102 Minimum Grade of C or EH 105 Minimum Grade of C) and (EH 200 Minimum Grade of C)
Corequisite: EH 300
EH 492 Seminar - 3 cr
Specific topics in literature. Can be taken twice for a total of 6 credits when topics vary.
EH 494 Directed Studies 1-3 cr
Directed individual study. Requires permission of the directing professor and department chair. Course can be repeated for a total of 8 credits.
EH 496 Professional Studies - Intern 1-2 cr
On-the-job experience related to the student's classroom work in the field of English. A maximum of two hours of credit may be earned in internships. Students consult with the English department chair regarding internship opportunities and eligibility. English majors and minors who are juniors or seniors may enroll. Pre-requisites: Permission of English department chair and the supervising professor, completion of EH 101 and EH 102 (or EH 105), 3.0 GPA, and junior or senior standing.
EH 497 Adv Creative Nonfiction Writ. 3 cr
Advanced study and practice of writing creative nonfiction.
EH 499 Senior Honors Project-H 3-6 cr
With the guidance of a faculty mentor, Honors Students will identify and carry out an independent scholarly project in English. The outcome of the project will include a formal presentation and defense before the faculty and a written senior thesis. The Honors Senior Project will be evaluated and graded by three members of the faculty and chaired by the project faculty mentor. The student must complete a total of six hours of Honors Senior work, be accepted to the University Honors Program or the Department Honors Program, and have an approved project prospectus. University Honors Program participants must have completed HON 301.
EH 501 Introduction to Crit Theory 3 cr
Required of all M.A. students in the Literature Concentration in their first year of work. Surveys current literary theory from structuralism to the present. The purpose is to introduce the conceptual lexicons and reading strategies of advanced literary analysis. Topics treated include structuralism, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, hermeneutics, Marxism, feminism, and reception theory.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 502 Graduate Writing for English 3 cr
A course preparing students for research and academic writing at the graduate level in English studies. Required of all MA students in their first year of work. Prerequisite: Admitted to Graduate Program
EH 505 Teaching College Writing 3 cr
A study of contemporary theories in writing and rhetoric, with an emphasis on their application in a college level curriculum.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 506 Composition Theory & Research 3 cr
Traces development of theoretical movements in composition, addressing research methodologies as well. Covers pedagogy but also theoretical and empirical issues such as relationship of composition to cultural criticism, ways of knowing and assessment.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 507 Topics in Rhetoric/Composition 3 cr
A variable-content course treating selected topics in Rhetoric/Composition Studies. Possible topics include histories of rhetoric, digital literacy in composition and rhetorical analyses of texts.
Prerequisite: EH 502 Minimum Grade of C
EH 508 Workplace Writing Contexts 3 cr
Study of theories, practices, and histories of professional writing.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 510 Introduction to Old English 3 cr
Old English poetry and prose studied in its original linguistic form.
EH 511 Beowulf 3 cr
A study of the Old English poem Beowulf in its original linguistic form.
Prerequisite: EH 510
EH 513 Studies in Chaucer 3 cr
A study of selections of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and dream visions.
Prerequisite: EH 502 Minimum Grade of C
EH 514 Renaissance Poetry 3 cr
Examination of non-dramatic Renaissance poetic development, including the sonnet.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 520 Studies in Shakespeare 3 cr
Study of Shakespeare's plays from across all the kinds that he wrote: tragedies, histories, comedies, and romances.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 521 17th Century Poetry 3 cr
A historical and formal study of the poetry of the early seventeenth century, including the works of Donne, Jonson, Herbert, Vaughn, Herrick, Marvell, Wroth, Lanyer, and Philips. The course will emphasize the close reading of poems.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 525 Restor-Early 18th Century Lit 3 cr
A study of literature in the period, including such authors as Dryden, Rochester, Behn, Congreve, Defoe, Pope, Swift, and Gay.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 532 Early Romantics 3 cr
A study of early Romantic poetry and prose, with emphasis on the poetry of William Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 534 Late Romantics 3 cr
A study of late romantic poetry and prose, with emphasis on the poetry of Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, and John Keats.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 536 Victorian and Edwardian Poetry 3 cr
A study of poetry of the Victorian and Edwardian periods.
EH 538 Victorian and Edwardian Prose 3 cr
A study of novels and short fiction of the Victorian and Edwardian periods.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 543 American Romanticism 3 cr
A study of writers of the American Romantic Movement, such as Irving, Emerson, Thoreau, Douglass, Whitman, and Dickinson, focusing primarily on nonfiction prose and poetry.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 544 Antebellum American Fiction 3 cr
Examines the emergence and development of American fiction before the Civil War, focusing on the tale and the novel, and including such figures as Cooper, Hawthorne, Poe, Melville, and Stowe.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 545 American Realism 3 cr
A study of writers of the American Realist Movement, such as Twain, James, Crane, Dreiser, Chopin, Cheitnutt, and Jewett.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 548 Native American Fiction 3 cr
Study of fiction written by Native Americans since 1900.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 551 African Am. Lit. to 1900 3 cr
Study of literature written by African Americans to 1900.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 552 African Am. Lit. since 1900 3 cr
Study of literature written by African Americans since 1900.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 562 20th Century Poetic Revolution 3 cr
A study of the key figures in the shaping of modern poetry - Yeats, Eliot, Pound, Stevens, and Frost.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 570 Studies in Medieval Literature 3 cr
Theme-based study of Medieval texts; possible topics include late medieval chivalry, medieval sexualities, Arthurian tradition.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 571 Modern British Fiction 3 cr
Examination of selected works of such authors as Conrad, D.H. Lawrence, Woolf, Forster, Joyce, Greene, and Lessing.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 572 Modern American Fiction 3 cr
Examination of selected works of such authors as Anderson, Dickey, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 573 Contemporary Fiction 3 cr
Examines significant trends in contemporary literary fiction.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 574 Folklore and Ways of Listening 3 cr
This course focuses on the collection of folklore and expressive culture, providing a contemporary glimpse at collective memory. Students learn ethnographic fieldwork methods, oral history interviewing techniques, transcription, and the evaluation of oral evidence.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 577 Studies in Genre - 3 cr
Seminar in specific topics from various genres. May be repeated once for credit when content varies.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 581 Screenwriting Workshop 3 cr
Screenwriting Workshop. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits when course content vanes.
EH 583 Grad Fiction Writing Wksp I 3 cr
Special individual instruction in fiction writing. This course requires special permission.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 584 Grad Fiction Writing Wksp II 3 cr
Special individual instruction in fiction writing. This course requires special permission.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 585 Grad Poetry Writing Wksp I 3 cr
Special individual instruction in poetry writing. This course requires special permission.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 586 Grad Poetry Writing Wksp II 3 cr
Special individual instruction in poetry writing. This course requires special permission.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 588 Writing and Diversity 3 cr
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 589 Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 cr
Intensive study of and practice in writing creative nonfiction that stresses personal voice and the use of literary elements. Focus on the personal or narrative essay, travel and nature writing, and cultural criticism.
EH 590 Special Topics - 3 cr
A graduate seminar designed to allow close study of selected literary topics or figures. May be repeated twice for credit when the subject offerings are from different literary areas.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 591 Topics in Creative Writing 3 cr
Selected topics in creative writing. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits when the course content varies.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 592 Seminar - 3 cr
A specific subject in American or British literature to be assigned prior to each semester. May be taken once for credit when the subject offerings are from different literary areas.
Prerequisite: EH 502 Minimum Grade of C
EH 594 Dir St - 1-8 cr
Directed individual study on a topic not covered by an existing course. Prerequisite: Prior permission of the directing professor and the department chair. May be taken for a total of 8 credits.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 596 Professional Studies--Intern 1,2 cr
On-the-job experience related to the student's classroom work in the field of English. A maximum of two hours of credit may be earned in internships. Students consult with the English Department Graduate Coordinator regarding internship opportunities and eligibility. Prerequisites: Permission from the Graduate Coordinator and the English Department Chair.
EH 598 Literature Capstone 3 cr
The literature Capstone is a directed study class required for students completing the Literature Concentration in their last semester of coursework. Working with a mentor, students create a research portfolio and give a departmental presentation.
Prerequisite: EH 502 (may be taken concurrently) Minimum Grade of B
EH 599 Thesis - 6 cr
One to six credits per semester with a maximum of six hours of credit. Pre-requisite: Admitted to the Graduate Program.