Clinical Skills - MD (CLN)

CLN 101  Clinical Skills  0 cr  
CLN 201  Clinical Skills II  0 cr  
This course builds on the Clinical Skills 1 course to continue to develop and hone students? ability to draw on the medical knowledge attained in their modules and apply it to clinical patient care. Learners will continue to add to their knowledge of various components of the physical examination, and they will develop skills in the arena of clinical reasoning. Emphasis in this course will be on utilizing information gathered from history and physical examination to develop a prioritized differential diagnosis and propose a diagnostic workup and treatment plan. Required experiences in CLINIC will be in specialty settings, providing students with more real-world practice for their clinical skills, as well as an opportunity for early career exploration. A required assignment in Evidence Based Medicine is also a part of the CLINIC experience. The course grade consists of scores attained on OSCEs (observed structured clinical examinations), CBEs (competency-based evaluation), and the required CLINIC assignments.