English Professional Writing Minor

Degree Requirements

If a minor is required in your degree program, at least 9 (lower and/or upper-division) hours of courses in the minor must be completed at the University.

Minor in Professional Writing

The minor in English: Professional Writing provides students with the conceptual foundations and hands-on practice necessary for communicating and writing proficiently in technical and professional contexts. The minor is intended to prepare students for producing the forms of writing they will encounter in the workplace (feasibility studies, technical reports, business letters, and grants, for example), and to provide a broad understanding of the rhetorical dimensions of written communication, especially nonacademic texts.

Core Courses
EH 372Technical Writing - W3
or EH 373 Writing in Professions - W
EH 402Rhetoric-Ancient and Modern-W3
EH 481Comp and Rhetoric - W3
Other Courses
Select one of the following:3
Approaches to Eng Grammar - W
Technical Writing - W 1
Writing in Professions - W 1
Teaching Composition-W
Grant Proposal Writing
Editing and Document Design
Professional Studies - Intern 2
Additional English Courses
Select three additional English courses including but not limited to courses in the second section above9
Total Hours21

Students can take either or both of these two courses.


EH 496 is 1-2 credits per semester; students must take 3 credits to complete the required hours.